Sunday, May 18, 2008

A Filler Post

This is a "Filler Post", you know, the kind of post with no real significant impact or contribution to environmental protection, climate change, global warming, food shortages, (insert global crisis here) or etc. Well, except the electricity and net traffic, I guess.

Below is a photo taken during my trip to Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. Oh, by the way, I went for a trip to Kota Kinabalu, Sabah from the 9-13 May 08. Had a great time, was fun, people were very friendly, (insert positive holiday comments here) and so on and so forth . Anyway, I'm Still Alive.

Kinda proud of the photo. My special someone even thought I downloaded it from the web =) Still, the other photos were relatively uninteresting. Gotta improve on composition and the artistic side of photography, then.

Which brings me to my next topic:

I seem to have always been "good" at the technical side of stuff. However, I've always seem to hit a stumbling block or so when it comes to truly "mastering" a certain something (say, photography). It's always been, er, "competent" but never, "inspiring". I guess I want to be artistic but just don't have the natural talent to..

Oh, well. Just rambling.