Facebook Quiz: Noun. Applications which ask a series of irrelevant questions so that the user would discover information about him/herself which s/he (probably) already knew. Among some of the more popular quizzes on Facebook
(slowly degrading to Farcebook - ed) are:
1. How good you are in bed.
2. What your best position is in bed.
3. How many partners you would have in bed.
4. What type of bed best suits you.
5. Where would said bed be placed.
6. Do you even need a bloody bed?
7. No bed? Try...
8. Are you spending too much time on Facebook quizzes?
note: bed = sleep.
Author's commentary:
(a) Fa(r)cebook quizzes could be fun, if there were like, two of them.
(b) Fa(r)cebook quizzes are a compilation of ancient internet quizzes and random 4chan jpegs. The author left F(r)iendster when excessively colourful (and annoying) animated gifs invaded the testimonies and profile pages.
(c) The author join Fa(r)cebook for a reason: it's clean, minimalist look. Now it's a becoming a wretched hive of scum and villiany.
(d) Which reminds the author of Star Wars.. specifically,
Jabba teh Hutt.
(e) The author can't sleep. That's why he's bashing social networks.
p/s. Oh, oh, look! Move the (r) from Friendster to Facebook and you get Fiendster and Farcebook. <-- Lame Joke. Please read note (e) above.