Tuesday, July 1, 2008

u·ni·ver·si·ty (yū'nə-vûr'sĭ-tē)

n., pl. -ties.

1. A place to get a piece of paper a.k.a. a 'degree'.
2. A place for 'Education'/'Thought-Formation'/'Brainwashing' (or lack of)

a. Only applies to public institutions located in the author's country ('M').

I'm a blogger, I can write what I want. It's up to you, the reader, to decide if what I'm writing is true, or not. Judge for yourself. We each have our opinions, no two people are the same.

Are we, students in local universities, the products of an 'extremely effective' 'education' 'program'?

Go ahead, ask any student regarding their opinion(s). Political, or social, if possible.

You might just be surprised.

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