Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The Long-Overdue Entry

This post (and the next few) will be dedicated to my trip to Yunnan, China during the 13 - 22 Dec 2008. The purpose of the trip was to "teach English". The real purpose cannot be disclosed here in case the Authorities accidentally stumbled on this blog while searching for "Tianamen Square" and decided to eat cake instead of doughnuts while singing "ke ren lai".

I would not do a day-to-day log as I'm way too lazy to come up with something like that. Instead, I'll just post some photos and give some colourful commentary along the way. Heh.

The Serious Part.
The photo of this woman and (grand?)child was taken on the way to the school which we would be teaching. The thing I remember about her was that she lent us a lever to the only water tap available in the immediate area. Without her, we would have boarded the bus without washing our hands after visiting the toilet.

Is tap water a luxury in this part of China? I don't think so, but for some strange reason the tap had no lever. Think about it, why would local residents carry a lever along with them whenever they needed water when they could just install one and use it among themselves?

Unrelated note to self: keep a b***** journal next time you're travelling!

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